Comeen Workplace offers an immersive experience directly integrated in Google Workspace.
Once your enterprise deploys our Google Workspace Marketplace application, you're able to use it without leaving the tools you already know: Google Calendar and Gmail.
Introducing our Google Workspace Add-on
In this documentation you will find :
➡️ How to set your working location
➡️ How to improve your reservation experience
➡️ How to transfer meeting rooms' notifications
➡️ How to pre-register a visitor
Onboarding - When using the add-on for the first time, you have to follow a few configuration steps
Once deployed, our add-on can be accessed via the Google Workspace right side bar. Click on the Comeen icon as shown below :
To start the on-boarding open the add-on then click on "Let's go"
Step 1: Choose where you want to work
Gain time by selecting your default location when creating your presence from the add-on or for your recurring presence. You can change this choice later.
Step 2: Choose your usual days at the office - enabled or not by admin choice
No need to plan your presence in the office every week, according to your choices your presence will be created automatically for the next 14 days. This will be renewed automatically. You can change this choice later.
Step 3: Choose the notification way(s) - enabled or not by admin choice
Select the notifications channel(s) you want Comeen Workplace to use when notifying you.
They will be used for several purposes : to notify you of the arrival of a visitor, to confirm the use of a meeting room or to remind you to check in when you arrive at the office. You can change this choice later.
Step 4: Add the Google Chat App (unless you don't need it or it's already deployed)
That's it, you can now use our add-on!
Set your working location
From our add-on in Google Calendar or Gmail, plan your days of attendance this week and enjoy all the features coming with it!
This feature is available if your company uses our office attendance solution.
🏢 At the office :
Plan a day at the office
See how many places are left per building, per floor and per area. Then book the best place for you.
To do so, open the add-on and click on Plan your in-office days. Then select the day, the work activity At the office and the location before clicking on Book.
Inform your colleagues and administration that you're working on site, for a whole day or half a day.
When booking a reservation, you can choose between different duration : All day, Morning or Afternoon.
Book a desk automatically / Select it on plan / Seat next to a colleague
Book a desk either automatically or via an interactive floor-plan.
When booking a desk, users can choose between different options after selecting the day, duration and location of their reservation. They can pick from the following options: no desk, a desk automatically attributed, or a desk picked from an interactive map.
To do so, open the add-on and click on Plan your in-office days. Then select the day, the work activity At the office and the location before clicking on Book.
Then select how you want to book your desk either automatically or manually from the map.
Get a desk with specific equipment (double monitor, mouse & keyboard, etc)
When booking a desk, if there's any equipment available, you can ask to get a desk equipped with specific options.
To do so, open the add-on and click on Plan your in-office days. Then select the day, the work activity At the office and the location before clicking on Book.
Click on the equipment needed before choosing between Find a desk automatically and Select a desk from the map.
Seat next to your colleague
When planning a day at the office, you might see a chair icon next to a colleague's name. You can click on it to reserve next to this person.
Book an available resource (Locker, parking slot...)
Reserve additional options "office extras" (parking lot, lunch, etc)
Additionally to the desk reservation, you can ask for extra options such as a parking lot, a locker, etc according to the amenities offered by your company.
You will see this option appear after booking your reservation, below the confirmation.
You just have to select the wanted office extras then to click on Book selected extras.
🏕️ Out of office :
Inform your colleagues and administration that you're not working on this day
To do so, open the add-on and click on Plan your in-office days. Then select the day and work activity Out of office before clicking on Save.
🏠 Remote work :
Inform your colleagues and administration that you're working from home this day
To do so, open the add-on and click on Plan your in-office days. Then select the day and work activity Remote work before clicking on Save.
🗺️ Other :
Inform your colleagues and administration that you're working from another place than the office or home (at customers', at an event, etc)
To do so, open the add-on and click on Plan your in-office days. Then select the day and work activity Other before clicking on Save.
Improve your reservation experience
Confirm your reservation of the day
Once your reservation is done, you can click on the Check-in button to confirm it.
Consult your schedule
Consult your schedule and edit it for the next few days
Click on My Schedule to see your reservations for the next few days.
Click on Edit on a specific date to modify your reservation for this day.
If you booked office extra(s) (additional option) you can click on the red cross to delete them from your booking.
When editing you have several options :
- Book office extras that allows you to book additional options such as a parking lot
- Cancel this reservation to delete the reservation made for this day
- the red cross next to an office extra to erase it from your reservation
- the arrows button to switch from one day to another
Locate your desk
Locate your desk on a floor-plan to easily find it
After booking a desk, you can locate it on the floor-plan by clicking on Locate. This opens a pop-up showing you where your desk is, as illustrated below.
Teammates information
Comeen Workplace allows you to add your colleagues to see if they are on-site or remote on the date you're interested in.
Edit your teammates list
Edit your teammates list to see the information of the colleagues that matter to you.
To do this you need to start by adding your teammates.
Click on "EDIT LIST" then enter the email of your teammate (proposals are listed as soon as you start typing):
Select the wanted person and click on "Add this Teammate". Do this for as many people you need.
See your colleagues' schedule
Once you invited your teammates, you can see who is present today. You can also consult their presences on other days.
To do so, access the section Colleagues here today at the bottom of the add-on home page.
Scroll down and click on View other date to consult your teammates program for another day.
Then either select another date with the calendar bar or click on the arrows at the bottom to see the previous or next day.
Locate your colleagues on the floor-plan
Locate your colleagues desks
From the home page of the add-on you can click on the ping icon next to a colleague's name to see where this colleague is seated. This will open a pop-up with a map where you can see where the exact desk of this person is.
Transfer meeting rooms' notifications
This feature is available if your company uses our meeting rooms management solution.
Delegate to a coworker the notifications we send to confirm the use of a meeting room.
The notifications received allow the user to confirm or decline the use of a meeting room.
To do so, go to your Calendar, open the add-on then click on an event that contains a meeting room and guest(s).
You can see in the add-on that the person being notified is yourself since you're the organizer.
Click on "Show more" and click on the bar "Change the person to notify"
Type the name of the people you want to transfer the notifications to.
Select this person and click on Save
Once done, you will see this person as the new one to be notified.
Pre-register a visitor
This feature is available if your company uses our visitors management solution.
Greet people with a pre-written mail when you invite them to come to the office, and be notified when they register.
To do so, go to your Calendar, open the add-on and click on an event in which you have at least a guest.
Then click on Welcome with Comeen
Select the building and kiosk where you will welcome your guest(s), select the concerned guests and enable our visitors feature:
This feature is now activated for this event, and can still be disabled if needed:
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