The CSV import feature simplifies managing displays by letting you bulk upload them. By ensuring your file has the correct format, you can efficiently set up displays with attributes and advanced settings like profiles and access rights.
Accessing the Import Feature
Navigate to the Displays section of your Comeen dashboard
Click the Import from a CSV button.
Select your CSV file by clicking Choose File or drag and drop the file into the designated area
Ensure your file meets the following requirements:
File Format : CSV only.
Fields : Your file must include the necessary columns, as shown in the provided template.
- Name: Display name
- Serial Number: Serial number found on Display
- Timezone: Time zone of display
- Clock Format: 12hr or 24hr
- Unit System: Metric or Imperial
- Display Language: Language for Display
- Profile: A screen profile that can be assigned here or in the advanced settings
- Latitude: Display's Latitude
- Longitude: Display's Longitude
Once the file is uploaded:
Review and match the file columns to the correct display attributes
Adjust any required configurations to ensure the data aligns with your setup.
In the advanced settings:
Attach a Profile: Link a predefined profile to your displays.
Access Rights: Assign appropriate access rights for the uploaded displays.
Preview the configuration to confirm all data is accurate
Click Import as Displays to finalize the process.
You can now see the imported Displays.
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